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Medication Audits

We Support care homes with a regular six monthly medication audit.

Audits are booked well in advance to give the home time to prepare or they can be carried out as `unannounced` if you would prefer!

The principle of our audits is to carry out an objective assessment of how the home is managing medication with respect to the recommendations and guidelines of the RPSGB and CQC.

Chemistree have devised our own unique audit assessment tool which ensures we carry out a detailed, in-depth review of all areas relating to medication management.

Each review point requires the auditor to assess the performance of the activity within the home. Any areas that require follow up actions are documented and then summarised in an action plan for the manager to review and discuss with the Chemsitree auditor. The auditor will help prioritise the action points from the audit for the manager to implement.

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